28 June 2006

H.O.P.E for Darfur

H.O.P.E for Darfur
is part of Human Rights First. The acronym stands for Help Organize a Peace Envoy.

These pendants are courtesy of the artist, Janna Weinstein, who has created and donated these pieces to Hope for Darfur. Each one is $50, and the site explains that 80% of the profit will go directly towards the campaign for peace in Darfur.

Take a minute or two and browse the site, sign the petition and learn more about another tragic moment in our history. Buy a necklace and make your outward "never again" statement. That statement does not only apply to the Jewish Holocaust, it means that NEVER AGAIN should we, as people living in comfort, sit idle as people are suffering and dying around the world.

I like that they are using art as activism. It is huge that this artist is donating her time to create all of these pendants. Leave a comment when you receive yours - maybe send a photo!


Kholi said...

i'm a little late thanking you for your words in my blog ... but I wanted to do it ayways. because of your stopping by, i now have new words to respond to .. your blog and webpage are beautiful.

lara stein pardo said...

good to hear back from you. glad you like my sites. i look forward to exchanging more words and thoughts with you . . .